How Do Temp Agencies Work With Clients and Candidates?

How do temp agencies work? Finding work can be difficult if you don’t know where to look. A temp agency has a plethora of opportunities and are looking for the right candidates for their clients. Temp agencies work with clients and candidates to meet the increasing demand for skilled workers in 2018. We speak with clients to find out what they want to see in a candidate and  we work with candidates to make sure they are the best fit before presenting them to the client. Temp Agencies are always researching the latest hiring trends to be more empathetic for client’s needs.


Clients, for a temp agency, are companies that have trouble filling a position, do not have the resources to find the right candidates, or need temporary staff on hand. Clients provide the different types of skills needed for the position and its duties to the agency. The recruiter  then sends a resume of a potential candidate to the client to see if they are a good fit for an interview. If the candidate meets or exceeds their needs for the position the candidate will be called to meet with the agency and the employer for an interview.

how temp agencies work


Recruiters research information about the position they need to fill. Researching information about the type of position shows the candidates that the recruiter is knowledgeable of the subject. We need to walk the walk and talk the talk! Candidates have more trust in someone that knows their industry well or has worked in that industry before than someone who has not. Recruiters also research common hiring trends such as, talent pools. Talent pools show the amount of people in the industry you are trying to fill. If there isn’t enough people to fill the position, the pay may be too low or the requirements for the position should be more accommodating to the types of people applying.


Temp agencies work with candidates to explain what their client is looking for in a candidate. They analyze their resume and tailor it with them before they send it over to the client. Recruiters will empathize with their candidates to meet their needs in a position. Everyone has a different schedule and different requirements for a position.There isn’t a one size fits all for any position. After compiling all the information, it is up to the recruiter to place the candidate that is the best match for job. The best match allows the candidate to use stepping stones to reach their career success.

Stepping Stones

Candidates will come in with their job requirements but may not have the skills requirement for the position they want. Experienced temp agencies test candidates in their proficiency of certain skills. The results of the tests give the recruiter a gauge on the skills written on their resume. If the skills don’t match well the recruiter can recommend a position they will give the candidate the experience needed for the position they are looking for. Taking a position below the desired position will get the candidate’s foot in the door towards their goal.

Meeting in the Middle

How do temp agencies work? They work well by meeting in the middle with clients and candidates to provide both parties with what they need. It can be difficult, but if it was easy then it would not be as rewarding guiding individuals toward their career goals. Temp agencies ask clients the right questions to fill positions with the best talent for their needs.  Finding the right talent takes time and experience. That’s why finding the right temp staffing agency makes it important to know how temp agencies work.

What questions do you still have about how temp agencies work? Let me know in the comments section below.