Undergraduate Students and Technology Infographic

Technology use has continued to change through the years. I don’t want to date myself but, Facebook was just starting to become popular when I first attended college. I remember that almost everyone had big desktop computers, now 86% of undergraduates own a laptop. Keeping in touch with peers, faculty, and the institution itself definitely wasn’t as easy as it is today. Smartphones and apps have streamlined the process. I have compiled some main points in regards to the Bachelors Degree Online recently released study about undergraduate students and technology.

– 62% of undergraduate students own a smartphone

– 86% of students own a laptop

– 76% of computer users prefer windows and only 21% prefer Apple

– 15% of students completed an online class in 2008 and now 31% of students said they have completed an online class in 2012

– 58% say they use technology to help them connect with other students

– 67% say they use technology to help them know what’s going on at the institution

– 59% say they use technology to help them connect with instructors

— The top 2 websites that undergraduates can’t live without are Google and BlackBoard


Undergraduate Students and Technology


What was technology like when you attended an institution for your undergraduate studies? Let us know in the comments below.